I'm Starting a Newsletter!
But don’t worry, I won’t spam you
Image credit (L to R): Jhefferson Santos, Danya Gutan, Bruno Moretti & Ashutosh Sonwani, Pexels
While looking for an appropriate photo for this post, I found an abnormally large number of pictures featuring people reading newspapers that were set on fire.
Is it a distrust for the news that inspires that pose? Are they watching the world burn through its news articles? Are they cold and hoping to keep warm while reading as quickly as possible? None of them look very bothered by the open flames.
I must say I was a little daunted
All I wanted was a photo of a happy person reading a newsletter. You know, like the happy people who subscribe to mine.
I should clarify: the happy people who WILL subscribe to mine. The first one goes out this week, so I only have a few who have signed up so far. And thanks to a glitch in the sign-up form, there may be people who think they’ve signed up but really didn’t.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
Let me start from the beginning
Hi! I’m Lynda!
Maybe not so, so much at the beginning, then. The beginning of the newsletter idea might be a better place to start. So. Ahem.
In my job as an editor, I am forever looking for resources online. Resources that help me to be a better editor, resources that help writers improve at the craft, you name it. And I love telling people about those resources, but all too often, social media doesn’t allow me to go in-depth enough to tell what’s great about them.
So I got the idea that it was high time for me to set up a mailing list
I know, you’re probably thinking you don’t want one more thing clogging your inbox. And maybe you don’t, and that’s okay.
But if you don’t mind getting one or two emails from me each month and hearing about fun author websites, excellent writing helps, super software, and maybe an occasional surprise or two, then I’d love for you to sign up!
Let’s face it, there’s a lot of information to wade through when you explore what the internet has to offer. Research for something simple can turn into hours of either finding too much to process, or not enough that meets your specific need.
My goal is to share some of the best things I’ve found—and continue to find—to make your research a little easier. Maybe you’ll discover a site you really enjoy, or an author you want to follow. It might be as simple as a book recommendation that fits exactly what you were trying to learn.
I plan on including only a couple of things each time so you’re not overwhelmed. There are a lot of wonderful things to share, but there’s plenty of time to do it, and no need to toss too much around at once.
As a thank you for signing up, I’ll send you a link for a free ebook!
Yep, I’ve put together an ebook with links to all kinds of sites that will help you on your journey from the first inklings of a book idea to the final step of publishing and becoming a billionaire. Well, maybe not a billionaire, but certainly a satisfied writer who’s explored a lot of helpful tools to get to the publishing stage intact.
It’s called From Idea to Published: A Writer’s Tool Kit, and what do you know, here’s that sign-up link again:
If you enjoy it and find it all helpful, that’s great! If you have ideas you’d like to see featured, you can always let me know. If you have products you’re curious about, just ask and I may end up including them. And if you don’t find that it’s your cup of tea, that’s okay, too. You can unsubscribe at any time and I promise I won’t take it personally.
I feel I should warn you, though: it’s much easier to simply unsubscribe than it is to set the newsletter on fire. Setting your computer on fire will probably make you very sad.