Good Riddance, 2020
But don’t forget the good things
Image credit: S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
I’m sure I’m not the only person to state the obvious: 2020 was one heck of a year and I won’t be too sad to flip the calendar page to January in a couple weeks. Even so, I have to recognize that there were some really great things to reflect on this year.
Each December, I put together some statistics that show how my business has grown and who I’ve worked with. This year, I didn’t have the free time to put together any fancy graphics, but I can tell you some fun facts anyway.
Here’s the breakdown:
I worked on 41 individual projects this year for 27 unique authors
Of those 27 authors, 12 are repeat clients from previous years, and 15 of them are brand new to me
Projects were divided this way:
Full copyedit package: 19
Beta: 10
Partial MS evaluation: 3
Final proofread: 2
5K sample edit: 1
Miscellaneous (query letters, agent submissions): 6
I edited just shy of 1,800,000 words
In addition to regular business:
In March, I started a monthly newsletter that now has a modest but pleasing following of 101 people (even after I cleared out the inactive ones)
I continued to put together my monthly “Ask Lynda the Awesomest Editor™ articles for Writers After Dark, and despite all the COVID-related chaos and upheaval everywhere, published for 9 of the past 12 months there.
I continued to write for Medium, publishing 22 stories this year through a variety of their publications and earning a (tiny) bit of pocket change as a result
And on a personal note:
I became a mother-in-law for the second time!
So it wasn’t all bad
So it may go against the grain to appreciate anything about 2020, but I choose to be thankful for all those things listed above and more.
Here’s to an even better 2021 . . . and maybe some balance. Balance is nice.